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Faith - Be Steadfast (Lk. 12:2-9)

“There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops. I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more. I shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one. Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before others the Son of Man will acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever denies me before others will be denied before the angels of God (Lk. 12:2-9).”

Jesus warned the disciples (and all Christians) about hypocrisy of the Pharisees and within the Christian community.  No matter how persuasive the Pharisees present their teachings, the disciples should not be corrupted by them.  The hypocrisy and false nature of everyone will eventually be revealed.  If they persecuted Jesus they will also persecute his disciples but the disciples must be steadfast in their faith and bear witness to him and the Gospel.  They should fear God and be faithful to the teachings of His son.  If God cares for the least of His creation, how much more will He care for those who follow His Son?  On the day of Judgment, Jesus will acknowledge before his Father those who were faithful to him.

Almighty God, the fear of death is always before us and we live in the hope of the promises of your Son.  We believe. but help us to be firmer in our belief that we may fearlessly live according to your will and proclaim the Good News as you want us to proclaim it.  This we pray through Christ our Lord.  Amen!



Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, & Roland E. Murphy, (Eds.). (1990, 1968). The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentis Hall, Inc.

Jose M. Casciaro, Santiago Ausin, Gonzalo Aranda, Claudio Basevi, Vincente Balaguer, Francisco Varo, James Gavigan, Brian McCarthy & Thomas McGovern (Eds.). (2017). The Navarre Bible - New Testament. Dublin 8, Ireland: Four Courts Press.
